Monday, October 21, 2013

Brave and Stupid

I reach out and you tense up. I pull away like I didn't notice. But I see shots of gold coursing your veins into your irises. How you make me tremble.

Light creeps in through the shutters, it flashes across your closed eyes and the shadows behind your lashes stand like redwoods and willows. How manageable life could be to snooze under those redwoods and willows.

I don't know if I'm brave or just stupid, but I'm telling you I can't handle you and if only you knew what I meant. If only you knew how you give me new freckles and drape my heart on prickly surfaces.

Ouch. Please. Do it again.

In a minute, Paul Varjak


  1. Oh my gosh.
    "Ouch. Please. Do it again."
    That's how I feel, about your writing.

  2. I'm seriously in love with you.

    And your words. Mostly your words. Okay, just your words. (but that's only because I don't know who you are.)

    Please write more! I'm searching for more to read and...I can't find anymore.

    "But I see shots of gold coursing your veins into your irises."

    "If only you knew how you give me new freckles and drape my heart on prickly surfaces."

    "Ouch. Please. Do it again."

    Yes please?
