Saturday, July 19, 2014

I'm still writing.

I'm actually a girl and here some musings for your ears.

My other alter egos you may have been in love with:

Hazel Grace

Miss Carter

thanks for everything,
-tara j

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Listen to our blood run side by side.

I'm such a bloke. A wanker. I've waited since Middle School and I am at last declaring my madness. First, loudly and quickly to make up for lost time, and then delicately because I have all the time in the world to ardently and closely admire you. 

"Oh you're in love?" You ask abruptly and mock my silence before you continue, "My condolences."

And I cannot read you.

In a minute, Paul Varjak

Sunday, December 8, 2013


"You need a new motto" as she puts on her right blinker and goes straight.

I've got 23 dollar bills between my two hands.  She's driving straight and straight leads to Hell without a twist or a turn along her narrow spine I'm slowly crawling with my fingers.

That's what you want right? Another chapter form my book? Anyone can write that. Half the ideas come form love songs and movies you've already seen. Not one of them are meant for you. They are for me. They are for me.

One for you then.

"My parent's house isn't this... way.., hun.. you missed the turn- what're you...."

Boom. Brick wall. Glass shatters and seat belts suck. I smash the bills into smaller pieces she's confused she's confused and also out cold.

Well that's the end you guys. No happy endings. Like I said, it's @&$!% *&!#

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Chapter Love & War

She’s fumbling her thumbs again. I can’t understand her when she does this. She’s choosing her words carefully, painstakingly. 

“I can’t let you do that”, she whispers with reservation, finally looking up at me.


“Why not”? my voice cracks at the confusion.

She looks back down. Her thumbs flying. Her posture is unfamiliar. Her lips careful. 

“I’m not going to make you hang around while I stay up wait for my heart to decide”. She spits this out fast before she regrets it. 

But-but. I’d do it. Anything, I’d do anything.

“I’d steal the Mona Lisa.”
“I’d buy the Taj Mahal!” I’m shouting, but it’s a happy, celebratory shout.
“Darling, don’t do this”

I’m thinking wildly now. “I’d turn on every light in New York City!” Quick, what else could she want? “You want the moon? Say the word and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.”

“Quit quoting George Bailey”. It’s her serious pout, and It’s mouth watering. 

I’d be anything. “I’ll be that guy in that movie you like. I’ll go-out for the team! I’ll cut my hair. I could learn guitar.”

She’s quiet and she really doesn’t get it. I’d do anything. I’d walk the Great Wall and count every brick. I’d start over each morning if that’s what she asked.

“I just want some time. Away”, she says finally. 

Anything but that. “That’ll be a dark time for me. You know that?”, She’s real good at making it difficult to speak. “But a certain darkness is needed to see the stars.” Will she think that’s cheesy?

Nice one Paul. Real smooth line. You got her with that one. 

“You’re thick-skulled.” She’s trying to look the part, but her tears are showing.

“I can be that.”

In a minute, Paul

Friday, November 29, 2013

Nobody sat in front of me so I could put my feet up.

I've been itching to get to know this girl for a few weeks. I bought tickets to Catching Fire (her friend said she reads), but she had a "family thing" and couldn't make it. I sat by myself.
I wish I was lying about this experience. To get more comments? I'd make it on the Hall Of Fame for being creative and making up something so funny. Knee-slapper.

In a minute, Paul

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Basorexia: the desire to kiss

 Lay down with me. Don't quit your stammering. How many times have you kissed him today and do my eyes threaten you? I'm trying very hard not to slip. You scorn my cursing. Check the time. Your skin is so warm it makes my knees and nerves waver. 

The last time you looked this good, we were swimming in the Atlantic. Your teeth were chattering and your forehead was sweating under my whispers and secrets. You told me to shut up so many times. You were smug. You were irrational. You were clever, whimsical, daunting, and I? I was a goner.

Show me where to put them
and how long should they boil
these kisses of mine?

In a minute, Paul

How to be remembered

-prefer chopsticks
-wear skirts
-listen to nobody
-kiss many
-never take sugar in your tea
-write a book about owls and their rendezvous 
-double knot your laces
-tell me your secrets
-sleep with the window cracked
-wish for tornadoes and get tsunamis